Empty content

Give different contents with empty content component.


Example Simple empty content with title and description. content prop cannot be empty.

	<EmptyContent  content={{steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. "}]}} />


Add button with link by adding url prop to steps array. Hover the button text to see link.

	<EmptyContent  content={{steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. ", url:"/"}]}} />

Button text

Add button text by adding urlText prop to steps array.

	<EmptyContent  content={{steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. ", url:"/", urlText:"urlText"}]}} />


Button without link.

	<EmptyContent  content={{steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. ", url:"/", urlText:"urlText", isOutside:true}]}} />


Add icon instead of content number by adding icon prop to steps array.

	<EmptyContent  content={{steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. ", icon:"lightbulb-alt"}]}} />


Add content title by title prop and description by description prop to content array.

	<EmptyContent  content={{title:"Title", description:"Description", steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. "}]}} />


Add url by url and urlText props to content array.

	<EmptyContent  content={{title:"Title", description:"Description", steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. "}], url:"url", urlText:"url Text"}} />


Show content boxes vertically by vertical prop. In this state maxItemWidth will be "420px".

	<EmptyContent  content={{title:"Title", description:"Description", steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. "},{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. "}], url:"", urlText:""}} vertical={true} />

Max width

Declare max width of content box by maxItemWidth prop.

	<EmptyContent  content={{title:"Title", description:"Description", steps:[{title:"Larry the Bird.", description:"Larry the Bird. Larry Joe Bird (born December 7, 1956) is an American former professional basketball player, coach and executive in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Nicknamed 'the Hick from French Lick' and 'Larry Legend,' Bird is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. "}], url:"", urlText:""}} maxItemWidth="300px" />


import Namecard from "erxes-ui/lib/components/namecard/Namecard";
  • required prop
titlestringDefine title of step
descriptionstringDefine description of step
urlstringDefine url of button
urlTextstringDefine url text of button
iconstringReplace step number with icon
isOutsidebooleanHides button link
titlestringDefine title of content
descriptionstringDefine description of content
urlstringDefine url link of content
urlTextstringDefine url text of content
verticalbooleanShows content box vertically
maxItemWidthstringDeclare max width of content box

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