Filterable List


Simple filterable list. It can be checked.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:"0", title:"First test"},
		{_id:"1", title:"Second test"},
		{_id:"2", title:"Third test"}]}

Blank filterable list

When items have no list it shows emptyState.

	<FilterableList items={""} />


Show loading spinner instead of the list by loading prop.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:"0", title:"First test"},
		{_id:"1", title:"Second test"},
		{_id:"2", title:"Third test"}]}
	 loading={true} />

Custom style

Add custom style to list item by style prop.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:0, title:"First test", style:{color:"purple"}},
		{_id:1, title:"Second test", style:{color:"red"}},
		{_id:2, title:"Third test", style:{color:"green"}}]}


Add avatar by avatarprop to items array.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:"0", title:"First test", avatar:""},
		{_id:"1", title:"Second test", avatar:""},
		{_id:"2", title:"Third test", avatar:""}]}

Additional icon

Add additional icon to list item by additionalIconClass prop.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:"0", title:"First test", avatar:"", additionalIconClass:"info-circle"},
		{_id:"1", title:"Second test", avatar:"", additionalIconClass:"info-circle"},
		{_id:"2", title:"Third test", avatar:"", additionalIconClass:"info-circle"}]}

Add links below the list by links prop.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:"0", title:"First test"},
		{_id:"1", title:"Second test"},
		{_id:"2", title:"Third test"}]}
	 links={[{title:"Google", href:""}]}

Show Checkmark

Hide checkmark by showCheckmark prop.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:"0", title:"First test"},
		{_id:"1", title:"Second test"},
		{_id:"2", title:"Third test"}]}
	 showCheckmark={false} />

Tree view

Show tree view list by treeView prop. Items should have _id and parentId.

	<FilterableList items={[
		{_id:"0", title:"Parent 1", iconClass:"iconClass"},
		{_id:"1", title:"Parent 2", iconClass:"iconClass"},
		{_id:"2", parentId:"0", title:"Child of parent 1"},
		{_id:"3", parentId:"1", title:"Child of parent 2"},
		{_id:"4", parentId:"1", title:"Child of parent 2"}]}
	 treeView={true} isIndented={true} />


import FilterableList from "erxes-ui/lib/components/filterableList/FilterableList";
  • required prop
_idstringDefine id of item array
titlestringDefine list item name
avatarstringShow image before item title
additionalIconClassstringShow additional icon on the right side of item title
stylestringAdd style to item title
parentIdstringDefine parent by id
iconClassstringShow icon before item title to hide or show children item
linksany[]Define links below list
showCheckmarkbooleantrueShow checkmart when item list is clicked
selectableboolean30pxTakes spacing on the right
loadingbooleanActivates loading spinner
classNamestringDefine className
treeViewbooleanActivates tree view of list
isIndentedbooleanTake space between arrow and title
onClickfunctionDefine click handler function when list item is clicked
onSearchfunctionDefine search function

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